Friday, August 2, 2013

Family Lake Weekend 2013

This year's family reunion was one of the best yet. It was just a calm and relaxing time of all being together. The ONLY bad thing was that we were short a few people who weren't able to make it. :( It rained all day Friday which is usually a bad thing but it allowed us to pretty much all stay inside together for the day and just play games, eat, relax and be lazy. Good times!! The weather was great on the other days so we enjoyed the usual swimming and boating and the guys got to golf as well. In the evenings after the kids were in bed, us adults enjoyed wine and games, the feature game this year being Taboo. We had a blast even though the guys beat the girls most games! For a long weekend, it sure flew by fast! I am so thankful for my big family!
Graham coaxed Collin and Cody into playing Uno with him

 Sweety Reidy

Jack chillin' watching Madagascar

We girls talked baby names quite a bit!

Here are Graham and Nick playing Uno:

Graham is quite the gamer! Here he and Grandad are playing Guess Who

Everyone playing games!

Brooklyn kissing Reid

Brooklyn wanted to swim in the she did! And several others joined in!

Mumo and Papo brought a memory box full of pictures, letters, etc.


Time to hit the lake!

Brooklyn's first ride on the tube

Graham is an old pro. He kept wanting to go faster and faster!


My little golf cart driver

Birthday celebration for Randy, Adrienne, Judy and Mumo

We gave Mumo a memory book that Nancy put together, full of pictures from the anniversary party earlier in the summer. It was full of quotes from the speeches made by friends and family as well. Beautiful book!

And here is Graham playing another game...this time he is playing Sorry! by himself. :)

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