I know I say this every month, but wow, time is flying with this little one! I feel like I just posted the nine month update yesterday! We are seeing more and more of Graham's sweet (and ornery) personality each day. He is such an easy going guy and for the most part he is always happy. However, beginning last month and into this one, he has begun displaying his ornery side a bit more. He likes to get into everything, especially whatever Jack is playing with at the moment. He understands completely when we say, "No thank you, Graham!" But, he usually responds by looking at us with a wry smile and then going back to the exact task he was not supposed to be doing! Hmmmm... He's also proving to be a bit impatient at meal time. We give him a few bites at a time on his tray. Those bites are usually gone within about 2 seconds and he immediately goes into "aaaaaaaaaah" mode. And when he's all done? Everything goes directly onto the floor!
Our new nickname for Graham (for reasons that are obvious) is Destructor. Only you have to be sure and say it very loudly, as if it were the name of a professional wrestler being introduced on the loudspeaker. Kind of like DEEE STRUC TOOOOOOR! Jack has also simply been calling him "Trouble" lately.
Despite his destructive tendencies, Graham continues to be so sweet that he just melts our hearts. He still loves to follow Jack around and imitate his every move. The two of them like to play under the kitchen table, just making faces and noises at each other. He has a couple of new favorite games. One is peek-a-boo. He'll go behind the couch or some other furniture and wait for you to say, "Graham...where are you?" Then he'll pop his little head out with the biggest toothy grin you've ever seen. He's also begun clapping...all the time...for everything. Every time someone does something he likes, he claps. It is very cute!
As for activities, Graham really likes rolling the ball, banging the keys on the piano, being tickled by Jack, and of course he still loves the bath. He likes when we blow bubbles and tries to pop them. He has also grown very attached to his blue blankie. When we put him into his bed, he immediately grabs it and smushes it all around to get it just how he likes it, then burrows his head into it. When he's not in bed, he'll usually go over to the crib and pull it out. When he gets it, he squeals very loudly, goes a little nuts, and burrows his head into it!
For some reason or another, I offered Graham a pacifier this month. He has never liked it before. He likes it now. Which means we have to have a million of them and they are always missing. Awesome.
Graham is an old pro at walking now! His record for most steps at a time is around 17 or 18. He just walks more and more each day!
He now has eight teeth!
I'm sure there is much more we would love to remember about this age, but that's all I can come up with right now! We love our Graham-a-lam!
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