Friday, December 4, 2009

If You're Happy and You Know It... Don't Clap- UPDATE

So, I posted a few weeks ago about Jack pretending to play the piano and humming to the tune of If You're Happy and You Know It. Randy and I have been so confused because when he would play this song, we would always clap our hands at the appropriate time, only to be scolded for it. Jack would say, "Don't clap!" and then something that sounded like, "Put your toes around the edge." Of course, I had NO idea what he was talking about. But this continued; every time we clapped, he would get frustrated and repeat, "Don't clap. Toes around the edge." ??????? Finally, I decided to email Kathryn, Jack's music school teacher to see if she had any idea what he was talking about. Turns out, he wasn't singing If You're Happy and You Know It at all. He was singing Put Your Toes Around the Edge of the Rug. Apparently, each morning at school, in order to get the kids lined up on the rug to say the Pledge of Allegiance, the teachers sing this song:

Put your toes around the edge of the rug!
Put your toes around the edge of the rug!
Put your toes around the edge,
Put your toes around the edge,
Put your toes around the edge of the rug!

Ah, that makes so much more sense! Check out the video to see Jack getting frustrated with Randy.

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