Sunday, October 28, 2012
Pumpkin Patch
This morning we made our annual trip to the pumpkin patch with friends. I love this fall tradition every year and this year was definitely special as we added several new babies to the group! We didn't bring Reid along as we thought it might be too cold and Evelyn didn't end up in any pictures but they were still part of the group! The big kids had tons of fun as usual running through the corn maze, climbing on hay bails, riding tricycles, petting the animals, and going on the hay ride. The weather was beautiful and being Sunday morning, the place wasn't crowded at all. It was great catching up with friends and watching the kids play!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Reid- 1 Week
Reid had his one week checkup yesterday and he was very impressive! He did not lose any weight but instead gained half a pound so he now weighs 9 lbs. 1 oz. We are proud of our big eater! Dr. Garrison said he looks perfect and since he didn't lose weight he can skip his next appointment and not come back until 2 months. Here are some other insights on Reid from this week:
- He is already changing in his looks. I really feel like he is a carbon copy of his daddy! Since Jack looks like me and Graham is a mix of both of us, we think this is a sweet completion to our family. :)
- He is eating like a champ, taking 3 1/2 ounces every three hours. He will usually go one slightly longer stretch during the night.
- He is sleeping well and goes back down after feedings during the night pretty easily.
- He is a sweet, laid back little guy. We have been able to load him up and take him anywhere- the park, the store, carpool to pick up Jack, etc. and he just sleeps. Ever since we started the zantac, we have not had any loud cries at all. Praise the Lord! Reflux is no fun!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
So far, Randy and my thoughts on Reid are:
- He is so very sweet. The first night I don't even believe he cried at all other than when he had his bath and during diaper changes. He seems to be laid back and generally content.
- He is absolutely precious. Right when he was born we noticed that he had beautiful hair. We didn't think he looked like our other (precious) boys but after a couple of days, I now think he resembles both of them. His skin is flawless and has perfect tone. He has beautiful eyes and perfect lips. Most newborns are not really pretty but Reid sure is!
- He is a fabulous nurser. I was amazed at how he immediately nursed after birth. He has continued to nurse well and is eating like a champ.
- He likes the swing! Neither Jack nor Graham liked it so it is nice to finally get some use out of that thing!
- He probably has reflux. Nights two and three were not as serene as night one. He began hiccuping, sticking out his tongue, and making faces as if he has a bad taste in his mouth. He also has let out some telltale reflux screams and arches his back just like J and G did. This is much earlier than either boy showed symptoms but we know what to look for this time I suppose. Randy took Reid to the chiropracter today so we will see if that helps him tonight. If not, on to the Zantac he goes!
Jack has been a tremendous helper and just loves being with Reid. He loves to look at him, play with him, and console him when he's upset. He is so good with him!
Graham is also very excited about Reid and loves to give him kisses and point out that he's not in my tummy anymore! He even tried to help by tossing Reid's pacifier at him. We will continue to work on gentleness but Graham's intentions are extremely sweet and he does not seem jealous like we thought he might.
Randy and I are adjusting well and are trying to take it one day at a time. When I think about the next week or month I get overwhelmed. But when I just cherish the moment I am in, it is easy to see that we are extremely blessed and I know that God will give us the strength, patience, and wisdom we will need to raise three boys. Last night as Randy and Jack were racing on scooters and bikes, Graham was playing trains in the driveway, and I was watching while holding Reid, I realized that I really am living my dream. I have a wonderful husband and three beautiful, healthy boys. I hope to always keep those moments in mind as things become stressful and difficult to manage.
Here are a few more pics from the past couple of days:
Reid William Biggs is Here!!
Our sweet little boy has finally arrived! Reid was born on Monday, October 8th at 8:25pm after a long 41 week pregnancy and a long 24 hour labor. He wasn't in a hurry to join us but we are so glad that he finally did! He is our biggest boy so far, weighing 8 lbs. 9 oz. and measuring 21 inches. He is simply perfect and we are so in love. Big brothers are very proud and can't believe he's finally here after all of the waiting and the praying. Randy and I feel like our family is complete and are so thankful that God has blessed us with these three boys!
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