Graham Arthur is eleven months old, as of yesterday! I remember this time last year all too well. By Christmas time, I was so ready to meet our little baby and find out whether he was a boy or a girl. I fully expected Graham to come early. Little did I know he would be 8 days late and I still had quite awhile to go!
These past eleven months have been a true joy getting to know this precious little boy. Seeing him grow and change every day is so exciting and watching him interact with his brother just makes everything more special. Sometimes it seems that you don't pay as much attention to milestones with the second child, because it's not so new and exciting anymore. There is some truth to that. However, having your second child is so much more special in some ways because you can see the love that each of your children now have for each other. There is just nothing like it!
Jack and Graham's interactions this month have suddenly become much more entertaining. Graham is finally skilled enough at walking to really follow Jack around and Jack is realizing that he can actually be "in charge" of Graham and Graham will play along. It is so fun to watch them play together. However Jack has taken to "tackling" Graham and wrestling him to the ground. We're having to work with him on being gentle (although I bet Graham will be able to take him in a few more months!)
Graham's walking is now so fast that I would almost call it running! He is still a big eater, probably because he's so busy and walks miles around this house every day. He is still an easy going little guy who just loves attention and praise. His favorite games are- How big is Graham? SO BIG!, peek-a-boo, and "Where is Thumbkin?"
He has added a couple of new words to his vocabulary: Dada and bye-bye!