Graham turned nine months old on Friday! His biggest milestone (although technically it took place during his 10th month) is that he took his first step on Sunday!!! I knew he would be an early walker because of how active he is, but I'm not sure I really expected this at nine months. Jack didn't walk until 14 or 15 months so this is definitely different. I've noticed (and the doctor mentioned to me) that early walkers tend to be much less careful and steady, so they have more falls. I have certainly noticed that Graham is clumsier than Jack and he does tend to get hurt more often. We can't let him out of our sight for a second!
Other notable milestones and moments from this month:
- He is now standing up on his own for long periods of time.
- He has taken two steps in a row twice, but is pretty much sticking to one step for now.
- He is sleeping through the night pretty consistently, from around 8pm to 7:30am.
- He still takes two naps a day and has been good about sleeping in the church nursery for us on Sundays and Mondays.
- He still has seven teeth, although I think he's working on a few more.
- He weighs 22 pounds, 3 ounces, which is around the 75th percentile.
- He is 29 1/2 inches tall, which is in the 90th percentile!
- He is eating finger food almost exclusively and has mastered the "pincer grasp."
- He took his first trip to the zoo and his first trip to the pumpkin patch.
- He loves to play peek-a-boo by hiding under his blankie and then pulling it off!
- He love to read Pat the Bunny.
- He loves when Jack sings to him, especially Alouette.
- He still loves taking a bath.
- One of his favorite games is rolling a ball. He likes to throw balls too and seems to have a great arm!
- He loves watching Super Why probably even more than Jack...
- Just like his brother, he seems to light up the room! His nursery teachers can't say enough about how sweet and fun he is and we agree!!
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