Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Prince

Jack has been very busy the past couple of weeks, visiting with many family and friends. First, last Friday we made the drive to Edmond to Grammy and Granddad's house. Jack cried almost the entire three hour drive, ugh! Then on Saturday Jack had his prince party and Grammy got to show him off to all of her friends. He behaved like an angel. On Sunday we headed off to Tulsa to see Granny B. and Grandpa. Jack enjoyed the visit although he was sleeping the whole time! Finally, Sunday night Jack had another breakdown just in time for Uncle Kenny to witness it. Sorry Uncle Kenny, maybe next time he'll be nicer to you!

This weekend, Jack's Granny B., Great Granny, Aunt Mavis, and Aunt Hetty came to visit him. He has really been great and even went out shopping with them at the outlet mall. We got him some cute new clothes as he is starting to outgrow his newborn clothes. I can't believe how big he is getting!

Also this week, Jack has learned some new skills. He has realized that he can control his little hands and is starting to reach out and grab his toys. It is so neat to watch his little brain work! He is also lifting his head really well during tummy time and it looks like he's thinking about crawling. I'm sure he would love to be on the move! He is smiling more each day and cooing and "talking" too.

Here are some recent pictures of the prince himself, Jack...

Admiring Himself

Jack in His Swing

With Mommy and Daddy

With Mumo and Papo

With Grammy and Granddad

Jack, Patrick, and Jack Patrick

Jack with Nancy

Jack, Cody, and a lot of nervous hands

Jack and Collin

Playing in his Rainforest

Daddy and Jack

Jack playing with his Aunt Hetty

Jack with his Great Granny

Jack the Monkey

Ready to Tee Off

Mommy and Jack

Daddy and Jack

An ad for Baby Gap

Jack and Granny B.

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